procuratorial authority造句

"procuratorial authority"是什么意思   


  1. Several thoughts on procuratorial authority to supervise
  2. Article 8 in the exercise of procuratorial authority by people ' s procuratorates at all levels , the law shall be applied equally to all citizens , and no privileges shall be allowed
  3. The relationship between the procuratorial authority and the police power is an important issue in criminal pre - trial procedure . the model of it is especially significant for the criminal procedure
  4. Article 9 the people ' s procuratorates shall exercise procuratorial authority independently , in accordance with the provisions of law , and shall not be subject to interference by any administrative organ , public organization or individual
  5. Article 1 this law is enacted in accordance with the constitution to enhance the quality of public procurators , to reinforce the administration of public procurators , to ensure that the people ' s procuratorates exercise legal supervision and exercise procuratorial authority according to law , to ensure that the public procurators perform their duties according to law and to guarantee the judicial justice
  6. It's difficult to find procuratorial authority in a sentence. 用procuratorial authority造句挺难的
  7. For example , the procuratorial jurisdiction to investigate into official crimes is strictly restrained , the procuratorial authority is incomplete , and the reporting system to take compulsory measures to deputies to the national people ’ s congress is unperfected . the second is that the present double - leadership system limits the investigation authority to be practiced independently and legally . third , the working procedures of the national procuratorial system , such as the irrational setup of organizations , the lack of talented investigators and material supplies , restrict the healthy development of the investigations into official crimes
  8. Article 1 this law is enacted in accordance with the constitution to ensure that the people ' s procuratorates exercise legal supervision and independently exercise procuratorial authority according to law and that public procurators perform their functions and duties according to law , to enhance the quality of public procurators , and to realize the scientific administration of public procurators


  1. "procurator-in-chief"造句
  2. "procuratorate"造句
  3. "procuratorates"造句
  4. "procuratore di san marco"造句
  5. "procuratorial"造句
  6. "procuratorial committee"造句
  7. "procuratorial committee clerk"造句
  8. "procuratorial committee member"造句
  9. "procuratorial committee procurator"造句
  10. "procuratorial function"造句

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